"very nice so far. You'll sort it by popularity at the end, right? Would love to see FFVII lead this list ;)"
"Added 4 more Japanese-only RPG releases to make this list an even 50."
"Thanks. Kryptic Centurion is going to start up a PlayStation edition, and I'm working on the NES list next. If others want to start up similar lists, call it here so we're not cross-duplicating them"
"Ok, added all the entries mentioned by AJWyrm, plus a few more: Uncharted Waters 1 & 2, Might & Magic III, as well as two more Japanese-only releases - Romancing Saga 3 and Star Ocean. I still wish "
"Thanks! If anyone wants to make similar lists with similar style, I'll cross link all RPG genres together. Example, RPG World: Gamecube Edition"
"very prominent Audi exposure (the R8, along with many other Audi models later in the movie) in Iron Man"
"to be added soon: Bleach: Dark Shadows for the DS, once there is an amazon.com entry for it. Release is Aug 2008 for it."